
The Value of a College Degree

42% of Job Postings require Bachelor’s Degree as minimum education level

There are approximately 110,000+ CSUDH Alumni

How Do I Achieve My Passion?

Identify your skills and receive personalized career and educational recommendations.

California Promise

The California Promise is a guarantee from the California State University system that a new student can earn a degree in no more than two years (for Associate Degree for Transfer Students), or no more than four years (for new First-Time First-year Students), if a new student pledges to, and follows specific campus requirements. Students who elect to participate in California Promise receive special academic advisement and improved priority registration.

Where Can I Gain Experience?


Internships give students real-life experience of the work activities in their respective field of study. It is usually short-term (a semester or year) paid/unpaid experience to gain critical work skills and network opportunities.


Apprenticeships are considered long-term experience as a paid employee. As the apprentice is learning, they are also applying the lessons through working.


STUDENTS:  Have access to a powerful online and in-person network of diverse Toro mentors. 
ALUMNI: Toro Connect is a place to share useful advice and personal stories about how you have achieved success in your current profession.


Job shadowing is where an individual has the opportunity to work alongside and gain experience of the role of another individual, and gain an insight into that particular role and industry. 


Student employment provides students the opportunity to develop valuable skills as they learn how to navigate career focused challenges and workplace settings.


Contingent workers may provide their services under a contract, temporarily, or on an as-needed basis.